Welcome to the Xiong United, Inc. (XU) website.

Our mission is to serve the best interest of the Xiong clan through the development of resources, training, guidance, support, education, leadership, and other effective means.  We intend to achieve this mission by working on the following objectives:

  1. To safeguard the dignity and integrity of the Xiong clan;
  2. To strengthen Xiong unity and intra-Xiong relations;
  3. To promote and preserve Xiong customs and traditions and the Hmong culture;
  4. To develop leadership and professionalism within the Xiong clan;
  5. To strengthen and maintain the stability of the Xiong family unit;
  6. To mediate inter- and intra-clan disputes;
  7. To promote business development and success;
  8. To promote civic participation;
  9. To establish and strengthen relations with other Hmong clans and communities at large;
  10. To promote educational excellence and advancement; and
  11. To research and establish a databank of Xiong professionals, including but not limited to entrepreneurs, educators, and leaders.

Thank you for visiting the Xiong United website.  We look forward to working with you for many years to come.

Warm Regards,






Chue Wang Xiong